Wine Grand Tasting - Seoul and Busan

Inviting existing exporters and a limited number of new-to-market exporters to present their wines at grand tastings in Seoul on Wednesday, 30 August and Busan on Friday, 1 September.
For those with partners in-market, this is a great way to rekindle the relationship with your importer, support them in person at the tastings, join them on client visits, and help them grow their customer base through the 2-city tastings. For those wineries wishing to challenge the Korean market,  this is a fantastic opportunity to present your wines in person, see for yourself what is going on in the Korean market, get feedback from the wine trade and hopefully have some commercial success.
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Mission Information

30 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023 Food, Wine and Agribusiness Seoul and Busan, Korea North East Asia Outbound