China market briefing for SA's wine industry

South Australia’s Premier, the Hon Peter Malinauskas MP, recently travelled to China with a delegation of leaders from South Australia’s wine, food, agribusiness and education sectors.
The objectives of the visit were to renew partnerships and to explore further opportunities for trade and investment.
To share insights and learnings from the visit, the Department for Trade and Investment, in partnership with Showcase SA and the South Australian Wine Industry Association, will host a China market insights briefing for South Australia’s wine industry.
The briefing will include an update on current market conditions, including economic and consumer trends. Wine businesses and industry representatives who were part of the Premier’s CEO Delegation will also share their views on the China market, as well as feedback from buyers and distributors. 
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Mission Information

18 Oct 2023 - 18 Oct 2023 Food, Wine and Agribusiness The Hilton Hotel, 233 Victoria Square, Adelaide China Inbound
Led by Showcase SA