SAKURA Women's Wine Awards Webinar

Have you heard of the  "SAKURA" Japan Women's Wine Awards?   Founder and Chairperson, Ms Yumi Tanabe will be our guest on a special webinar on Wednesday 6 September where we explain how you can involve your winery in Japan’s biggest and most prestigious wine awards!  Learn about how you can enter your wines, what it costs, what the benefits are, what it means to win a SAKURA AWARD and how it will help you in the Japan market.

Ms Tanabe established “Yumi Tanabe’s Wine School” in 1992, Japan’s first school for wine professionals, and in 2013 founded “SAKURA” Japan Women’s Wine Awards, the increasingly successful, international wine competition judged by Japanese women who work in wine industry.  It is the largest competition in Asia, over 4,000 samples were submitted from producers around the world in its 10th year, and in this year, the 11th year, we are collaborating with SAKURA AWARDS to encourage South Australian wineries to have a go!


SAKURA AWARDS is highly recognised in the Japan wine industry and gaining recognition globally.
For those wineries with partners in market, this is a great way to increase public and trade brand awareness and open doors to genuine commercial opportunities.
For those wineries wishing to challenge the Japan market, this is a fantastic opportunity to present your wines to the Japanese trade and hopefully have some commercial success.
South Australian Department for Trade and Investment Tokyo Office will support the promotion of award-winning wineries through in-market activities, including a SAKURA AWARDS wine campaign through our Rakuten Tasting South Australia page (Japan’s biggest e-commerce platform), wine tasting events and social media.
Ms Tanabe will be joined by Ms Melanie Ross, Director of Litharian Wines, who will talk about her own experience with the SAKURA AWARDS and how her success has assisted her in the Japan market.


Webinar details

Wednesday 6 September 2023
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 (ACST)
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Cost: Free
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Mission Information

6 Sep 2023 - 6 Sep 2023 Food, Wine and Agribusiness North East Asia Virtual