Tasting South Australia Showcase New Zealand

DTI is inviting premium South Australian wine, food, and beverage exporters to participate in Tasting South Australia Showcase from 30 October - 1 November in Auckland, New Zealand. 

Following a successful event last year, this initiative seeks to strengthen the premium positioning of South Australian wine, food and beverage offerings by encouraging greater representation of South Australian produce in New Zealand. This will be achieved through both introducing new brands to the market and increasing sales of existing brands.

Over three days, South Australian producers will experience a curated program of market familiarisation activities, including an in-depth market briefing, market immersion, trade engagement, masterclasses, business matching, cultural exchange, a sustainability, environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) roundtable and facility tours.

The ‘Tasting South Australia Showcase' will give South Australian exporters the opportunity to present their produce directly to key importers, restaurateurs and buyers from multiple channels, in a trade tasting and masterclass format.

A networking lunch with key decision makers, industry leaders and media, featuring a cultural exchange celebrating native South Australian produce and Australia’s First Nations cultures, will undoubtedly be a highlight event. Hosted by one of Australia’s most renowned Aboriginal Chefs, Mark Olive, and esteemed wine journalist, educator, wine judge, and official patron of the South Australian Wine Ambassadors Club, Tony Love.

Austrade New Zealand will provide market intelligence specific to each sector, with an up-to-date understanding of opportunities and challenges in the market. A hosted market familiarisation tour visiting key New Zealand on and off-premise venues will follow.

Additional activities may include an ESG and sustainability roundtable with New Zealand sector counterparts and facility tours of distilleries.

Program Overview
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Mission Information

30 Oct 2023 - 1 Nov 2023 Food, Wine and Agribusiness Auckland, New Zealand Australia Prepare for Export, Export Expansion Outbound Led by Department for Trade and Investment